Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud: What's the Buzz About?
Perhaps you are a nonprofit exploring technical solutions. Or maybe you are a current Salesforce user and are considering a move to Nonprofit Cloud. Either way, we’ve got you covered here.
Not a current Salesforce user? Read on!
Nod your head if any of these issues sound familiar.
Redundant work in multiple systems
Siloed data
Antiquated system for data collection - spreadsheets or an outdated system that won’t scale
Difficulty reporting outcomes
Nonprofit Cloud (NPC) was built for organizations like yours to fund, deliver, and measure impact with one integrated platform. You can plan and deliver programs in one place. Streamlined tools for service delivery and client engagement will save you time; you can keep clients on track toward their goals and monitor their progress in a single view. Your entire staff will have visibility into where an individual or family might need more support. How is that for a start?
A really exciting feature of NPC is Outcome Management. It allows you to define your impact strategy and evaluate the effectiveness of your programs by tracking activities to a specific, measurable outcome. For example, you may have a goal to increase household incomes.
You can link “increase household incomes” to activities that drive that outcome forward, such as your job placement programs. NPC allows you to track those programs to see if the work is increasing household incomes over a specified time range, and then easily report those results to stakeholders.
In the same system, you can also do your fundraising, track commitments, designations, and soft credits, and process gifts with Batch Gift Entry.
These are just a few of the Nonprofit Cloud features. Learn more here.
Current Salesforce Users: It’s your turn!
Are you considering a move from NPSP to NPC? Here are some of the NPC features that might pique your interest.
A full, proven industry toolkit at your disposal. With NPC you can create more dynamic, fully branded client experiences, provide internal users with meaningful milestones and timelines, and more!
Better ability to handle segmentation and major gifts. Rather than designating every gift as an opportunity, gifts are a transaction. You only create the opportunity and follow that cycle when it’s meaningful (like when it truly is a grant or major gift).
NPC is better adapted for fundraisers. The platform was built from the ground up to be more intuitive to fundraisers.
More flexibility in representing households and family relationships. In NPSP, every contact was automatically in a household. Often, that is not relevant to you. You can now create households only when necessary, and you can reflect those households in multiple ways; for example, groups can represent a cohort rather than a family.
Unique Outcomes Management framework to define your KPIs, connect them to the programs and services you offer, and measure progress.
Why work with Provisio on an implementation or migration?
Because we are a leading health and human services consultancy, we have been active participants in Salesforce’s Nonprofit Cloud Partner Design Programs to help build the Nonprofit Cloud solution, and we continue to work closely with the Salesforce product team.
Our team is implementing Nonprofit Cloud for several clients, and as we do so, we are refining our templated approach to implementation and data migration.We understand NPC and can ensure that clients experience a smooth implementation. Our templates allow us to migrate your data more efficiently and cost-effectively.