Salesforce Benefit Management: Cutting Government Red Tape Restricting Social Safety Nets

If someone is applying for government assistance, they’re likely already in a tough spot. So, the headache of a complicated and inefficient application process is the last thing they need. What they need is help, and they need it now. Salesforce Benefit Management cuts the red tape restricting social safety nets like unemployment insurance, food stamps, and child care subsidies. Here are three distinct use cases showcasing the time-saving and program-boosting benefits of Salesforce Benefit Management.

Applicants: Guided Forms & Transparent Review Process

Constituents can easily search for all available benefits on a single intuitive portal. While applying, guided smart forms update according to the individual’s unique information. The applicant only sees and responds to questions that are relevant to them. Once completed, that person can track the status of their application. This increased transparency reassures them that their request for help has not been lost in the ether. Once their application is approved, the portal shows the beneficiary exactly what benefits they’ll receive and when. Beneficiaries can easily log in whenever to recertify or document a change of circumstance.

Caseworkers: Holistic Applicant Views & Automated Eligibility Calculations

All the applications are grouped by status in a single clean, organized interface, increasing visibility of the entire review process. When a caseworker clicks on a particular application, a comprehensive display of all the relevant information expedites the review process. This guided interface also ushers the caseworker through each step of the review, ensuring nothing is missed.A major tool in streamlining the approval process is an automated eligibility calculator. With no coding required, program managers can build calculations which automatically determine if an applicant is eligible for the benefit and how much assistance they should receive. Pre-built decision explainers also automatically inform the applicant why they were approved or rejected by citing specific criteria. By automating the complex process of determining eligibility, caseworkers can focus on other pressing matters like outreach.

Supervisors: Workload Management & Insightful Analytics

Supervisors can easily view each caseworker’s workload and dole out assignments accordingly. This maximizes impact and efficiency. Executives also benefit from comprehensive analytics that break down program impact into a wide array of useful metrics. These insights are crucial for reporting, as well as highlighting program issues in need of change.

Technology to Better Help Real People

Government social safety nets are lifelines for many people. However, difficult application forms and processing delays risk letting them fall through the cracks. With the power of Salesforce Benefit Management, government can truly meet the expectations of the people who need it most. As the largest Salesforce consultancy focused solely on health and human services, Provisio will customize Benefit Management for maximum impact and even teach you how to use it. Click here to kickstart your innovation journey.