Agentforce: Endless Possibilities for Social Good


If you are a Salesforce user, you already know the value of the platform: more transparency, easier collaboration, streamlined processes, and time savings. The list goes on and on. 

If you aren’t on Salesforce yet, we really must talk.

Check out this article if you aren’t familiar with Agentforce. Want a simple version? You might remember the Brothers Grimm fairy tale about the elves who secretly work through the night to make shoes for a poor shoemaker. Not to insult you, but in this scenario, you are the poor shoemaker, and Agentforce is the technology version of those helpful little elves. 

Imagine grabbing your coffee in the morning, ready to start your day, and you discover much of your work is already done. And this version of the story is not a fairy tale.

Salesforce Accelerator - Agents for Impact

Salesforce recently announced Salesforce Accelerator - Agents for Impact. This accelerator provides nonprofits with technology, funding, and pro bono expertise, helping them innovate and develop AI-powered agent solutions. 

Nonprofits like Good360 are already leveraging Agentforce to drive impact. Good360 is optimizing its disaster response product placement technology with agents that ensure donated goods reach the right communities efficiently. Read more here!

Imagine the Agentforce Possibilities

Here are some other possibilities for your organization.

24 Hour Coverage: Remember those nocturnal elves? You could have 24-hour agents interacting with clients, volunteers, and donors after hours. This can help you maintain engagement even after your staff has gone home for the night.

Time Savings: Let’s say a client is looking for a specific service, like food banks in Saint Louis. Agents can find appropriate resources and provide links without your staff - freeing them from doing the research. 

Streamlined Processes: Let’s say a client interacted with your agents outside of work hours. Your staff could start their workday with a list of people ready for intakes. They can immediately start helping people. 

A Responsibility to Rise to the Occasion

In a panel discussion, Nathan Chappell, senior vice president of DonorSearch, a software company that provides prospect research and donor-intelligence data to nonprofits, said that nonprofits can’t afford to fall behind the curve of adopting AI. He said, “This is not a fad — this has fundamentally changed how our world works. The nonprofit sector has not only an opportunity but a responsibility to rise to the occasion.” (Schohl)

Whether someone has a mental health crisis, needs a meal, or seeks emergency shelter, your community requires support 24/7, 365 days a year. Agentforce takes some of the burden off your staff, allowing them to focus on relationship-based work rather than work that can be automated. Agents adapt to real-time data and seamlessly collaborate with humans. 

Interested in learning more? Provisio has humans - real ones! - standing by who would love to discuss Agentforce and how it might help support your organization.


Schohl, Lisa, “How Nonprofits Can Use A.I. Well.” The Chronicle of Philanthropy, 14 August 2023, Accessed 22 November 2024.